Welcome Back!
Euclid Public Library is excited to welcome all patrons back to the building this fall safely. EPL will resume regular business hours beginning Monday, August 30 and host limited in-person programming for the rest of 2021. Students and parents can visit our website anytime for more information about programming and services, including tutoring and educational resources.
In addition to resuming our regular business hours and in-person programming, beginning Wednesday, August 18, EPL will resume the Adult Chaperone Required (ACR) policy that requires students age 17 or younger to be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other chaperone age 21 or older between the hours of 1:30 PM and 4:00 PM Monday through Friday during the school year. Students may also enter the library if they are registered for a library program or otherwise expressly authorized by an EPL official to be present in the building.
As always, all patrons are expected to abide by EPL’s Patron Code of Conduct, as the policy will be enforced for all patrons. For more information about the Patron Code of Conduct, please visit euclidlibrary.org/about/policies/public.
Furthermore, we respectfully ask parents to aid us in limiting congestion and loitering on the library‘s premises by coordinating student after-school pick up at the school or municipal parking lots, as patron parking is limited in front of the library.
We are excited to see our students this fall and wish you a successful and safe return to the building.