2022.03.31 EPL_Facility Assessment Report

10 Recommendations: S3.01 Address any overgrown vegetation and growth between pavers in walkway. S3.02 Regrade planting beds to drain away from building in all locations. S3.03 Remove 1’-0” wide strip of mulch from perimeter of building and replace with stone similar in color to prevent staining/water issues. S3.04 Add additional crushed stone surrounding the perimeter of the mechanical enclosure to improve accessibility for repair staff. Fill in thin/bare patches of crushed stone along southern façade. S3.05 Remove metal divider between stone and lawn at southern façade to prevent tripping hazards. S3.06 Remove all dead/dying vegetation and replace with new. S3.07 Address deer-caused damage at trees. Consider using tree wraps during months of increased deer presence. S3.08 Address high grade areas where façade weeps have been buried. D. Site Furnishings Due to the limited nature of the site, there is not much space for exterior furnishings. However, the lighted bollards are in need of attention as it was Photo 11 Deer-caused damage is present at a number of trees Photo 12 Exposed weed barrier at southern side of building